In Her Heels with Ashley Gootee

Meet the Founder of Something You Couture, Ashley Gootee.

In 2009, Ashley moved closer to her true passion when she was 1 of 6 designers chosen of the Chicago Fashion Incubator. This led her to launch her own women’s wear line, ZAMRIE. After years of selling her apparel throughout the Midwest and online, she realized her calling by designing custom couture dresses for friends and family. As the demand started to grow, it was obvious this was more than a side-gig. 

Now living in Birmingham, Ashley is able to bring her, almost two decades, of craftsmanship and design to the women in AL, whom are not able to find exactly what they want. She can help you simply add a sleeve to your existing wedding gown, reinvent an old gala piece into something more modern, and even transform an idea in your head into a real tangible custom couture, fitting you better than you ever imagined.

Find out below how she got her start and what keeps her going on the days she is have an off day.

How did you enter into your industry?
When I was 15 I told my parents I wanted to go to design school. They said no, because I didn’t know anything about design, and I definitely did NOT know how to sew. In response, I signed up for a Patternmaking class at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, (I’m originally from Chicago) and took classes on the weekends. I fell in love with patternmaking and to this day it is still my favorite, right behind doing fittings. From there, I studied Design at Purdue University in IN, and then participated in two exchange programs, a summer in Florence Italy, and a spring semester in Hong Kong at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. I ended up meeting my industry's first boss, in HK, and worked with her that following summer back in NYC at Zac Posen in production. This is where I learned how to fit people. I was part of the international production team, and most of my job was working with the fit model ensuring all patterns and fit were perfect for production, and managing quality control. After I graduated I went back to NYC and worked in high-end design with Peter Som, worked a couple fashion weeks, then did corporate design with Li & Fung USA designing for the WalMart labels. Tired of NYC, I headed back to my hometown, Chicago in 2009. I was 1of 6 designers chosen to be a part of the Chicago Fashion Incubator and ran my own women’s wear line, ZAMRIE for 6 years. I was completely burnt out, closed the line in 2015, and became a part-time secretary for a lawyer. I wanted nothing to do with fashion for a good couple years. 2017 was when friends started to ask me to alter gowns and make custom toppers, so SYC was born! At that time, I had already made multiple wedding dresses and created custom items, but that’s when it truly became a business. It wasn’t until I moved to BHM in 2020 that I took the full-time leap.

Did you always know you wanted to have this career?
I knew I wanted to be in fashion and work with high-end clothing, but never in a million years did I think I would be working with brides and their moms/grandmothers. I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better part of the fashion industry to end up in. Also, never say never!

If you could tell yourself one thing when you first started your career, what would it be?Sometimes it's better to know what you don’t want than to know exactly what you do want. Pivoting is a part of life, and enjoy the ride!

How do you manage imposter syndrome?
I run. If I am upset about something, I’ll run a bit faster, and lift a bit heavier that day. Talking things out also helps me, so I’ll call a good friend or close family member. They always give perspective.

If you could go back and tell your teenage self advice what would it be?
All the tears from being teased, and bullied, will make you stronger. You will be more than okay, the best years are ahead of you.

Where are we likely to find you on the weekends or when you aren't working?
At home with my family.

Name 3 things you cannot live without.
Insulin, my family, and friends.

What are you currently listening to? Podcast? Favorite song that motivates you?
Karma by Taylor Swift. Her lyrics in that song speak to me specifically: “I keep my side of the street clean, you wouldn’t know what I mean.” “It’s okay, baby, you ain’t gotta worry, karma never gets lazy So I keep my head up, my bread up, I won’t let up.” “Ask me what I learned from all those years, Ask me what I learned from all those tears, Ask me why so many fade, but I’m still here.” I have always been an honest person (as some would say “too honest”) and worked for/with people who have told me I wasn't good enough, I’ll never get to “their level,” or was doing something wrong. 15 years in, I can say I did keep my head up, kept working hard knowing in my heart I was putting out quality work, and I now know Karma doesn’t get lazy. ;)

How do you get yourself out of a funk when you are having an off day?
Normally my phone is off from 4:30 pm-7:30 pm so I can be a mom. I look forward to spending those precious hours with my son & his laughter (and sometimes tantrums). Over the years, as the owner and boss, it is very hard to not bring work home, but have made great strides by talking it out with my husband. His strength is to know when to tell me not to take it personally- he helps ground me.

What would surprise us about yourself?
I have been a Type 1 Diabetic since I was 23 months old. I have worn an insulin pump since I was 12 years old, and was teased in middle school for it. So earlier when asked what can’t I live without, I literally can NOT live without insulin. Almost every morning my 2 year old and I have a dance party; definitely can’t live without morning happiness.

What is the best advice you have received?
“Always be honest, so people know exactly where you stand.” - My Mom
“Wash the floors well.” - Peter Schneider (a mentor in college) Meaning don’t be above any job, even if it is washing the floors, do it well and people will notice.

What are some career highlights and biggest career accomplishments?
Moving into our storefront studio on 2nd Avenue North downtown Birmingham. I started my company here in BHM two and a half years earlier (January 2020) in a basement, giving myself three years to “make it.” And we have just gotten started. Thank you for the support Birmingham!

Contact information: Where can members connect with you?
You can find us on Instagram @somethingyoucouture, or email us at

If you would like to visit her store, make sure to mark your calendar for August 17th as that is when our next Birmingham meeting will be.


In Her Heels Feature Tiffany Martin


No is a complete sentence