In Her Heels with Shekinah of Purposed Joy

You are your first success story. Treat yourself with the same intention as you would anyone else.

Shekinah Joy Lee Med, ALC, NCC. is the founder and CEO of Purposed Joy. Her goal is to provide different wellness tools to help participants get to their best selves. She does this by providing hands-on activities, events, blog posts, videos, and other resources in the area of self-care and mental health.

May is the month of Mental Health Awareness and we wanted to highlight the incredible work Shekinah is doing with her practice Purposed Joy.

Join us as we learn more about Shekinah with Purposed Joy.

How did you enter into your industry?
I have always been passionate about mental health before I realized that’s what it was. However, it was until having to overcome my own grief and depression after losing my father and dropping out of school, that I realized I wanted to help others rediscover themselves and find purpose in their pain.

Did you always know you wanted to have this career?
Yes! I’ve always wanted to be a counselor in some form.

If you could tell yourself one thing when you first started your career, what would it be?
You have the secret sauce already! I was very unsure of my ability and it caused me to second-guess myself. Turns out that all that I am just as I am is exactly what my clients need!

How do you manage imposter syndrome?
My own therapist! Affirmations and my Self-care routine!

If you could go back and tell your teenage self advice what would it be?
It is all working for your good! Remember you were made for this?

Where are we likely to find you on the weekends or when you aren't working?
Snuggled watching Netflix, at church, or being around people I love!

What are you currently listening to? Podcast? Favorite song that motivates you?
Steal like an Artist audio trilogy, relational intelligence by Darius Daniels, I was here by Beyoncé hug motivation!

How do you get yourself out of a funk when you are having an off day?
Call my therapist, pray, call a mentor, Journal, write a gratitude list, and lean into what is working the best or working well and go from there.

What would surprise us about yourself?
I am very very shy lol and I am discovering a more introverted version of myself.

What is the best advice you have received?
You are your first success story. Treat yourself with the same intention as you would anyone else.

What are some career highlights and biggest career accomplishments?
Establishing Purposed Joy as a platform for support while people pursue their Self-Care and Mental Health journey

Where can our community find you or work with you? ——
YouTube: Purposed Joy
Instagram: @thepurposedtherapist

Purposed Joy provides resources and activities such as self-care worksheets, affirmation cards, low-risk assessments, Self-Care Saturday Brunch, Self-Care group sessions via Zoom, and Self-Care Saturday Live events. If you find that you are in need of some one on one attention, feel free to schedule a session with Shekinah.

 She aims to encourage others to declutter, refocus and get a hold of their most authentic version of themselves. It is our belief that if we can help individuals cultivate purpose, they will consequently cultivate joy! Our platforms include Instagram, Facebook, our website and YouTube.


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